Sunday, February 12, 2017



By Kamlesh Tripathi


    We all have heard the famous phrase—Kan kan mein Bhagwan and jako rakhe saiyan maar sake na koi. In the same breath, we should also reflect on, what Lord Krishna had to say in the famous epic Mahabharat—‘I will not do your ‘karma’ for you. You’ll have to that yourself.’ So in essence, all this forms the core ethos and purpose of our lives. No matter what religion you follow and which strata of society you come from. For, the God’s may vary, but the mission of life shall always remain the same. And in all of this—God helps only those, who help themselves.

    In the ultimate analysis, we human beings can’t deny, the terse reality that we all are born to serve a holy cause. It manifests, while we serve our family and even our society. But in the process we don’t get younger. On the contrary, each day, we are only getting older. And, in the drift of life we often plan to give our children good education and values. To, make them skilled professionals. So, that, they can not only compete nationally but even globally. But that doesn’t come for free. Nor does it come with interspersed dimes here and there. Rather, it comes from some focused and astute FPI (Financial Planning & Insurance). Just, to cite and example, if we require a crore today, to make our child, a doctor. Twenty years hence, the coveted amount will be three crores. Together with inflation, logistics, competition and new technology costs. So, while we often meet, quite a few over ambitious parents boasting aimlessly about the promising career of their children. They hardly do any FPI for it. And, then they say, we love our children.

    In the same run up, most of us think we are immortal. That I will never die. So we don’t ever visualize a situation. Where, we’ll leave home one day, never to return. But in that case, who will run my establishment, feed my children and beyond that who will educate them. The litmus test would be. To ascertain, which relative of mine will pay for all this and for how long. And the buck doesn’t stop there. As the clock keeps ticking with each breath—remember we are only getting older. For as long as you can work. The moolah will pour in. But when you stop working, where will you nickel and dimes come from. So, what happens when you retire? These are some crude realities. That the pigeon in you. Keeps avoiding and condoning. While the cat of life keeps observing.

    I was recently at a training programme conducted by Maxlife Insurance. Where, I got many such vital answers to the complexities of life. Remember, the pain of effort is much better than the pain of regret. So, plan your life well. Attend such programmes. And don’t just snub any FPI professional, when they call you to plan your restless life. Take them as the arm of God.



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